Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hot Tamales

Hey, I've got some news on another gallery opening! Many thanks to Jaime at the Tamale Hut Cafe, for hosting my art work for the next couple of months. On display will be several of the Burning Building prints that appeared in the Diane Tanios Gallery. In addition are a whole slew of small paintings I've done over the last year. A bunch of them are Star Wars watercolors and the others are the originals from a mustache comic I did a while back, that I colored in gouache. Then there's some original pages of comic art as well. The Tamale Hut Cafe and I will be hosting a reception for the show on Saturday 21st from 7 to 10pm. Plus hey, there's gonna be free beer and wine! It should be a great time, and I hope to get a lot of people there, so if you're reading this consider yourself invited. Directions to the Tamale Hut are at their website.
What else? I've still been working on the Ivan Brunetti book and will have another post on that up soon. I've also been busy with more bindledog projects. We recently did a cartoon that got over 150,000 hits on youtube. Check it out.
Meanwhile I haven't quite decided what I'm doing for the convention season yet, but I will be trying to do at least a couple of shows to pimp out the Burning Building series, now that it's all done.

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