Sunday, October 9, 2011


So, I should have announced on here by now that I reached my goal for my Kickstarter campaign! It was amazing. I didn't think I was gonna make it, but a ton of last minute help came through and remarkably, it all worked out! Burning Building Comix is finally going to be a collected Graphic Novel. The logistics need to get worked out and I'll post here with updates along the way, but needless to say I'm very excited to finally get this material out to a larger audience. 
Also I have a new comic that I completed to SPX it's called Leper, and I'll get more info on here about it soon, but until then here are some pictures of the silk screening process. Here's a shot of a couple of screens, and some of the prints from the first color.
Over the years I've done several silk screened covers and burning the screen is the trickiest part. I think I finally nailed all the variables though. You know distance of the bulb to the screen when you burn the image on. Length of time for when you burn, and all that other crap, but I think I finally got it cause the last couple I've done I nailed on the first try. Suck it silk screen demons. Oh how they try to screw you up. 
Plus, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that I'll be down in Minneapolis for MIX this November. 
I'll be hawking my wares down there and I'm really looking forward to it, cause I've never been in the area before and know there's a ton a good and nice cartoonists out there right now. So if your in the area, please do stop by. Thanks!

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